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OCI Logging service


Oracle adopts Cloud Native Computing Foundation standards (CNCF is like a home for many open source projects):


There are three types:

Audit logs

Read-only logs from the Audit service. It automatically records calls to OCI services. Observability and management - Logging - Audit

Service logs

Service logs can be enabled for supported OCI services. Storage - Object Storage - Bucket (select a bucket) - Logs - Enable logs (for read and write events).

Custom logs

OCI compute

An OCI compute with supported OS (OL7-8, Win, not Solaris) comes with installed unified-monitoring-agent (RPM description: Oracle Unified Agent custom fluentd distribution).
Identity and Security - Policies - Create Policy, syntax "allow dynamic-group <dg-name> to use log-content in compartment <compartment-name>"
Log group
A log group is a container for organizing logs. Logs must belong to some group. Example:
Agent (fluentd)
A log has one or more agent (fluend) configuration (created via OCI console): On a host, the unified-monitoring-agent service reads agent configuration from OCI, and downloads it to the host.
Example of etc/unified-monitoring-agent/conf.d/fluentd_config/fluentd.conf
@type tail
tag 676961.varlog
path /var/log/*
pos_file /etc/unifiedmonitoringagent/pos/676961-varlog.pos
path_key tailed_path
@type syslog
parser_type regexp

<match 676961.**>
@type oci_logging
log_object_id ocid1.log.oc1.iad.amxxxxxxx # OCI ID for a log
<buffer tag>
@type file
retry_timeout 3h
path /opt/unifiedmonitoringagent/run/buffer/676961
disable_chunk_backup true
chunk_limit_size 5MB
flush_interval 180s
total_limit_size 1GB
overflow_action throw_exception
retry_type exponential_backoff

On-prem host

Syntax: "allow group <user-group-name> to use log-content in compartment <compartment-name>"
Log group
A log group is a container for organizing logs. Logs must belong to some group. Example:
Agent (fluentd)
A log has one or more agent (fluend) configuration (created via OCI console):
Agent installation
The file /etc/unified-monitoring-agent/.oci/config must have two identical profiles, DEFAULT and UNIFIED_MONITORING_AGENT.
user=ocid1.user.oc1..aaaa..45q  # OCI ID for user, who's member of user group
tenancy=ocid1.tenancy.oc1... #tenancy oci id
region=your-region #ex. us-ashburn-1 
#log_requests=True # OCI ID for user, who's member of user group
tenancy=ocid1.tenancy.oc1... # tenancy oci id
region=your-region #ex. us-ashburn-1
Agent services
To verify that on-prem host agent can download fluentd config:
$ journalctl -u unified-monitoring-agent_config_downloader

To verify log batching on on-prem host:
$ tail -f /var/log/unified-monitoring-agent/unified-monitoring-agent.log Logs retention is up to 6 months, but logs search is allowed only for last 14 days.

Search example, show/count number of logs.

readonly compartment="ocid1.compartment.oc1....""
readonly log_group="ocid1.loggroup.oc1.iad...."
readonly log="ocid1.log.oc1.iad.a...."

# Count log number
echo Total logs from ${time_start} to ${time_end} is:

oci logging-search search-logs \
--time-start ${time_start} --time-end ${time_end} \
--search-query \
'search "ocid1.compartment.oc1.../ocid1.loggroup.oc1.iad.../ocid1.log.oc1.iad..." | count' \
| jq '.data.results[0].data.count'

exit 0

Search example, print logs after parse json (date, host, message)
# Search all logs in specified time period

readonly compartment="ocid1.compartment.oc1....""
readonly log_group="ocid1.loggroup.oc1.iad...."
readonly log="ocid1.log.oc1.iad.a...."

oci logging-search search-logs \
--time-start ${time_start} --time-end ${time_end} \
--search-query \
'search "ocid1.compartment.oc1.../ocid1.loggroup.oc1.iad.../ocid1.log.oc1.iad..."' \
| jq -j '.data.results[].data.logContent| .time, " ",, " ",.data.message,"\n"'

# some other jq examples:
#| jq -j '.data.results[]| " ",.host,": ",.message,"\n"'
#| jq '.data.results[] | | .host,.message'
# jq -j '.data.results[]| " ",.host,": ",.message,"\n"'
exit 0