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LDAP configuration on OCI compute using FaaS


Oracle Functions is Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) platform, powered by the Fn Project. Functions are "container-native", each function (your code in one of supported languages, like Java, Python, Node, Go, and Ruby) is a self-contained Docker image, stored in OCIR Docker Registry.

OCIR (OCI Registry)

Docker images containing a function code are stored in the OCIR. A function uses an image to run a container and performs a work.


An application is a logical grouping of functions. To create an application (written circa June 2020): Solution and Platforms - Developer Services - Functions - Create Application.

Let's login to Object storage.


This example doesn't use supported languages (Java, Python, Node, Go, and Ruby), but HotWrap tool (see, that creates a function based on traditional Linux commands or shell script.