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DNS - Domain Name System is naming service that allows machines to be identified with names instead of IP addresses.

DNS name space is bunch of machines that use this service and name spaces are divided in hierarchy of domains . Each domain must have primary DNS server. It's always good to have one or more secondary ones.

See table for better understanding:
Namespace Hierarchical
Data Files and resource records
Servers Primary and secondary
Security None
Communication TCP/IP
Scale Global

What is Solaris "doing" with BIND/DNS

Solaris 10 is coming with BIND version 9.
Now you are getting 2 packages: Of course you know that now you use Service Management Facility (SMF) to manage BIND.

The command svcs -l tells on which files DNS client and server depends (as dependency on other services).
svcs -l dns/client
 dependency   require_all/none file://localhost/etc/resolv.conf (online) 

svcs -l dns/server
 dependency   require_all/none file://localhost/etc/named.conf (online) 

BIND 9 is now controlled by rndc. You can create /etc/rndc.key file with command rndc-confgen -a (this file defines default command channel and authentication key allowing rndc to communicate with named).
If you run only rndc-confgen , it will print sample of rndc.conf (so you can copy that stuff and manually create the file).

In file /etc/named.conf you need entries for rndc, like:
controls { inet * allow { any; } keys { "rndc-key"; }; };

key "rndc-key" {
        algorithm hmac-md5;
        secret "UMWJYK6kgii30Mj3xWfUQg==";

The command rndc status gives you status of the server, like below:

number of zones: 1
debug level: 0
xfers running: 0
xfers deferred: 0
soa queries in progress: 0
query logging is OFF
recursive clients: 57/2048
tcp clients: 0/100
server is up and running
Run only rndc to see other options.

Strange that there is no man page for named.conf

# man -s 4 named.conf
No entry for named.conf in section(s) 4 of the manual.
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