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Expect script

Expect is tool for writing interactive scripts to be used with applications like telnet, ftp and such. It is an extension to the Tcl scripting language.

Example 1

In this example I have the script to query disks from StorEdge 6120 (old storage supports only telnet). It's just a quick script, can be added many features for checking if disk is okay, etc (maybe do some when find more time).

# debugging: 0=no 1=yes
exp_internal 0
# spawn process output: 0=no 1=yes
log_user 0

# some help
# $expect_out(0,string) keeps only matched characters
# $expect_out(buffer) keeps matched characters + ones that come earlier

puts "\n Check disks in StorEdge 6120  ..... \n"

# variables
set user root
set passwd root-passwd
set cmd "fru stat"
set tmpfile /var/tmp/expect_result

# start process
spawn telnet sds9
# provide username
expect "Login:"
send "${user}\r"
# provide password
expect "Password:"
send "${passwd}\r"
# run command
expect "sds9*"
send "${cmd}\r"
# use regexp for expecting string
expect -re "DISK.*LOOP"
#puts "Only matced charactes \n"
set result $expect_out(0,string)

# put result to a file, tmpfile_id is file ID
set tmpfile_id [open $tmpfile w]
puts $tmpfile_id $result
close $tmpfile_id

if [file exists "$tmpfile"] {system cat $tmpfile | grep -v LOOP}
And the script output is like :
{host}/var/tmp> expect disk_6120.exp

 Check disks in StorEdge 6120  .....

DISK    STATUS   STATE       ROLE        PORT1      PORT2      TEMP  VOLUME
------  -------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----  ------
u1d01   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      29    vol9-1
u1d02   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      29    vol9-1
u1d03   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      30    vol9-1
u1d04   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      27    vol9-1
u1d05   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      29    vol9-1
u1d06   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      29    vol9-1
u1d07   ready    enabled     standby     ready      ready      30    vol9-1
u1d08   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      29    vol9-2
u1d09   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      30    vol9-2
u1d10   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      29    vol9-2
u1d11   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      30    vol9-2
u1d12   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      29    vol9-2
u1d13   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      28    vol9-2
u1d14   ready    enabled     standby     ready      ready      31    vol9-2
u2d01   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      29    vol10-1
u2d02   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      28    vol10-1
u2d03   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      31    vol10-1
u2d04   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      30    vol10-1
u2d05   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      29    vol10-1
u2d06   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      28    vol10-1
u2d07   ready    enabled     unassigned  ready      ready      25    -
u2d08   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      26    vol10-2
u2d09   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      24    vol10-2
u2d10   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      22    vol10-2
u2d11   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      22    vol10-2
u2d12   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      23    vol10-2
u2d13   ready    enabled     data disk   ready      ready      25    vol10-2
u2d14   ready    enabled     standby     ready      ready      23    vol10-2

Example 2

Here we check access to serial console of HP Integrity server, it must allow SSH.

# debugging: 0=no 1=yes
#exp_internal 1
exp_internal 0
# spawn process output: 0=no 1=yes
log_user 0

# some help
# $expect_out(0,string) keeps only matched characters
# $expect_out(buffer) keeps matched characters + ones that come earlier

# input arguments
set host [lindex $argv 0]
set user [lindex $argv 1]
set passwd [lindex $argv 2]

# check for arguments
if {[llength $argv] != 3 } {
        puts "\n Usage: scriptname host user password \n"
        puts "\n Example: concheck-hpux.exp g7u1111 g7u1111-c xxxxxxx \n"
        puts "Note: the script works only if console allows SSH"
        exit 1

puts "\n ############ Serial console check for $host ########### \n"

# temp files
set tmpfileilo /tmp/ilo-output.txt
set tmpfile /tmp/console-output.txt

# start process
#spawn telnet ${user}@${host}-c
spawn ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${user}@${host}-c
expect "password:"
send "${passwd}\r"
expect "hpiLO->"

# get ilo output
set result_ilo $expect_out(buffer)
set tmpfileilo_id [open $tmpfileilo w]
puts $tmpfileilo_id $result_ilo
close $tmpfileilo_id
if [file exists "$tmpfileilo"] {system cat $tmpfileilo}
if [file exists "$tmpfileilo"] {system rm $tmpfileilo}

# go to Console
send "co\r"
expect "Console Login"

# get console output
set result_con $expect_out(buffer)
set tmpfile_id [open $tmpfile w]
puts $tmpfile_id $result_con
close $tmpfile_id
if [file exists "$tmpfile"] {system cat $tmpfile}
if [file exists "$tmpfile"] {system rm $tmpfile}

exit 0
Result looks like:
{host}/tmp>  expect concheck-hpux.exp 

 Usage: scriptname host user password
 Example: concheck-hpux.exp g7u1111 g7u1111-c xxxxxxx
Note: the script works only if console allows SSH

{host}/tmp> expect concheck-hpux.exp g7u1111 g7u1111-c con_passwd

############ Serial console check for g7u1111 ###########

         Hewlett-Packard Integrated Lights-Out 3 for Integrity
  (C) Copyright 1999-2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
                    MP Host Name: g7u1111
                 iLO MP Firmware Revision 01.55.02


         CO: Console
        VFP: Virtual Front Panel
         CM: Command Menu
         CL: Console Log
         SL: Show Event Logs
         HE: Main Help Menu
          X: Exit Connection

[g7u1111] hpiLO->

        [Use Ctrl-B or ESC-( to return to MP main menu.]

- - - - - - - - - - Prior Console Output - - - - - - - - - -

Console Login
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