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Script for creating ClearCase layout

I do not work with ClearCase but support operational environment for them.
I use ZFS for both data and as boot file system, so after system is installed I setup ZFS datasets and hand over to ClearCase people to install applications, etc.
To speed up dataset creation process, here is configuration file and shell script (that reads the config file) .

# zfs create -p -o mountpoint=/vobadm -o quota=5G -o compression=on -o sharenfs=off space1/primary/cc-pri/vobadm
# chown vobadm:ccusers /vobadm
# /usr/local/bin/chmod  0755 /vobadm
# ==========================================================================================================
# Name           Pool*   Gparent Parent  Mountpoint           Quota* Owner           Perm NFS           Compression
# ==========================================================================================================
#                               cc-pri (primary storage)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var_adm_rational space1  primary cc-pri  /var/adm/rational    1      root:other      0755 off           on
vobstore         space1  primary cc-pri  /vobstore            400    vobadm:ccusers  2750 rw=usershosts off
viewstore        space1  primary cc-pri  /viewstore           20     vobadm:ccusers  2770 rw=usershosts off
vobadm           space1  primary cc-pri  /vobadm              5      vobadm:ccusers  0755 off           on

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                cc-sec (secondary storage)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
buildstore       space1  primary cc-sec  /buildstore          20     vobadm:ccusers  2770 rw=usershosts on
ccase_rls        space1  primary cc-sec  /ccase_rls           20     vobadm:ccusers  0755 ro            on
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                cc-alt (alternative separate storage for shipping)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
shipping         space1  primary cc-alt  /shipping            20     vobadm:ccusers  0555 off           on

Basically, the awk reads config file, remove blank lines and comments, and create new temp file with 'zfs create' commands. The new temp file is also shell script that created datasets, etc.

#set -x


err() {
        echo "\n ERROR: $* \n"
        exit 1

tmp_file_cleaning() {
[ -f ${output_script} ] && rm ${output_script}
[ -f /tmp/tmpfile ] && rm /tmp/tmpfile

# cleaning in case of script termination and regular exit
trap tmp_file_cleaning HUP INT QUIT ABRT EXIT

# check is system is NIS client
ypwhich >/dev/null || err "System is not NIS client"
[ -z "${domain}" ] && err "NIS domain is not setup"
[ "${domain}" != ] && err "NIS domain is not"

umask 022
echo "#!/bin/sh \n#set -x" > ${output_script}

# awk starts processing
${awk_utility} '\
BEGIN {print "... Processing input file "}
if (NF > 0 && $1 !~ /^#/)   #delete blank lines and comments
print "# " $5 "\n" \
"echo Creating dataset : " $1 "\n" \
"zfs create -p -o mountpoint="\
$5 \
" -o quota="\
"G -o compression="\
$10 \
" -o sharenfs="\
$9 " " \
$2"/"$3"/"$4"/"$1 \
"\n" \
"echo Changing ownership for " $1 "\n" \
"chown " $7 " " $5 \
"\n" \
"echo Changing permissions for " $1 "\n" \
"/usr/local/bin/chmod " $8 " " $5 "\n" \
"echo ... ... ... \n" \
>> ""
END {print "... The End of awk"}
' \

${awk_utility} '\
if (NF > 0 && $1 !~ /^#/)   #delete blank lines and comments
print $2, $3 >> "/tmp/tmpfile"
' \

to_be_unmount=`cat /tmp/tmpfile | sort | uniq  | ${awk_utility} '{print $1"/"$2}'`
for dataset in ${to_be_unmount}
	echo "echo un-mounting ${dataset}" >> ${output_script}
	echo zfs set mountpoint=none ${dataset} >> ${output_script}

echo "exit 0" >> ${output_script}
echo "Executing ${output_script} ... \n" ; sh ${output_script} || err "Cannot execute ${output_script}"
exit 0
And script does something like:
... Processing input file 
... The End of awk
Executing ...

Creating dataset : var_adm_rational
Changing ownership for var_adm_rational
Changing permissions for var_adm_rational
... ... ...
Creating dataset : vobstore
Changing ownership for vobstore
Changing permissions for vobstore
... ... ...
Creating dataset : viewstore
Changing ownership for viewstore
Changing permissions for viewstore
... ... ...
Creating dataset : vobadm
Changing ownership for vobadm
Changing permissions for vobadm
... ... ...
Creating dataset : buildstore
Changing ownership for buildstore
Changing permissions for buildstore
... ... ...
Creating dataset : ccase_rls
Changing ownership for ccase_rls
Changing permissions for ccase_rls
... ... ...
Creating dataset : shipping
Changing ownership for shipping
Changing permissions for shipping
... ... ...
un-mounting space1/primary

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