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The script for configuring and running SunVTS

Please see this page for more info about SunVTS

#set -x	
## variable	
DATE=`date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S'`

# error function
        echo "\n ERROR: $* \n" ; exit 1

# check if user is a root	
if [ `id | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d\( -f1` = 0 ]	
		# user is root	
		sleep 1	
		korisnik=`id | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d\( -f2 |cut -d\) -f1`	
		echo You are NOT root. You are $korisnik so cannot run script - sorry ...	

## Check if required SunVTS packages are installed	

for pkg in SUNWvts SUNWvtsmn SUNWvtsr SUNWvtss SUNWvtsts
        /usr/bin/pkginfo ${pkg} 1>/dev/null || err "The package ${pkg} is not installed."
        echo "Okay: ${pkg} installed"

# check if SunVTS is running on the system	
/usr/bin/pgrep vtsk > /dev/null	
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]	
		echo "\n The SunVTS is installed and it is not running on the system in this moment!"	
		echo "\n Seems that SunVTS is running on this system. The PID id `/usr/bin/pgrep vtsk`. \	
		Please check this. The script will exit now." ; exit 1	
## Inputs	
# Duration of test	
echo "\n For how long do you want to run the SunVTS test [in days - must be full day]?"	
read DAY	
# convert duration from hours to minutes	
DURATION=`expr ${DAY} \* 24 \* 60`	
# Test mode	
echo; echo "\n Please enter test mode [ Online Stress, System Exerciser, Component Stress ]"	
echo "\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"	
echo; echo "\n Online Stress: Will validate h/w without having significant impact on running applications!"	
echo; echo "\n System Exerciser: Will test system as whole with all components. All tests will run in parallel. No other applications should run during test time."	
echo; echo "\n Component Stress: Will do targeted testing of components. Will do maximum stress on component. Test will not run in parallel. No other applications should run during test time."	
read TMODE	
# Error Limit	
echo; echo "\n Please enter number of errors that will cause test to terminate."	
# test session name	
echo; echo "\n Please enter name of SunVTS test session, for example hostname-session-1"	
echo; echo "\n If session already exist, it will be overwritten!"	
# What components to test	
echo "\n Please enter do you want to test next components:"	
echo "\n Disk [y/n]"	
read DISK
echo "\n Interconnect [y/n]"	
read INT
echo "\n Ioports [y/n]"	
read IO	

echo "\n Media [y/n]"	
read MEDIA
echo "\n Memory [y/n]"	
read MEM
echo "\n Network [y/n]"	
read NET
echo "\n Processor [y/n]"	
read PROC
# start SunVTS in CLI	
echo "\n Starting SunVTS in CLI ...."	
${VTSPATH}/startsunvts -c	
# reset number of pass/error from possibly previous tests	
echo "\n Reset number of pass/error from possibly previous test"	
${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd reset || exit 1	
# Probes all devices and update SunVTS kernel	
echo "\n Probes all devices and update SunVTS kernel ...."	
${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd reprobe || exit 1	
if [ ${DISK} != "y" ]; then	
	echo "\n Disabling test on Disk"	
	${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd disable_test Disk || exit 1	
	echo "\n Setting test options for Disk"	
	${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd set_test_options Disk \
	[Stress:high,Scheduling Policy:Test Time,Test Time:${DURATION},Error Limit:${ERRORLIMIT}] || exit 1	
if [ ${INT} != "y" ]; then	
	echo "\n Disabling test on Interconnect"	
	${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd disable_test Interconnect || exit 1	
	echo "\n Setting test options for Interconnect"	
	${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd set_test_options Interconnect \
	[Stress:high,Scheduling Policy:Test Time,Test Time:${DURATION},Error Limit:${ERRORLIMIT}] || exit 1	
if [ ${IO} != "y" ]; then	
	echo "\n Disabling test on Ioports"	
	${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd disable_test Ioports || exit 1	
	echo "\n Setting test options for Ioports"	
	${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd set_test_options Ioports \
	[Stress:high,Scheduling Policy:Test Time,Test Time:${DURATION},Error Limit:${ERRORLIMIT}] || exit 1	
if [ ${MEDIA} != "y" ]; then	
	echo "\n Disabling test on Media"	
	${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd disable_test Media || exit 1	
	echo "\n Setting test options for Media"	
	${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd set_test_options Media \
	[Stress:high,Scheduling Policy:Test Time,Test Time:${DURATION},Error Limit:${ERRORLIMIT}] || exit 1	
if [ ${MEM} != "y" ]; then	
	echo "\n Disabling test on Memory"	
	${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd disable_test Memory || exit 1	
	echo "\n Setting test options for Memory"	
	${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd set_test_options Memory \
	[Stress:high,Scheduling Policy:Test Time,Test Time:${DURATION},Error Limit:${ERRORLIMIT}] || exit 1	
if [ ${NET} != "y" ]; then	
	echo "\n Disabling test on Network"	
	${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd disable_test Network || exit 1	
	echo "\n Setting test options for Network"	
	${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd set_test_options Network \
	[Stress:high,Scheduling Policy:Test Time,Test Time:${DURATION},Error Limit:${ERRORLIMIT}] || exit 1	
if [ ${PROC} != "y" ]; then	
	echo "\n Disabling test on Processor"	
	${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd disable_test Processor || exit 1	
	echo "\n Setting test options for Processor"	
	${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd set_test_options Processor \
	[Stress:high,Scheduling Policy:Test Time,Test Time:${DURATION},Error Limit:${ERRORLIMIT}] || exit 1	
# set global options	
echo "\n Setting global testing options"	

${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd set_global_options \
[Duration of Testing:${DURATION},Verbose:Enable,Duration of Logging:${DURATION}] || exit 1	
# check global options	
echo "\n Checking global options"	

${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd get_global_options || exit 1	

echo " \n Are global options okay?"	
echo " \n Hit ENTER to continue or Ctrl.C to abort ***"	
echo " \n ... waiting for response ..."	

read xxx	
# save session	
echo "\n Saving session ${SESSION}"	

${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd save_session [overwrite:yes,defaultMode:${TMODE},name:${SESSION}] || exit 1	
# load session	
echo "\n Loading session ${SESSION}"	

${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd load_session [overwrite:yes,defaultMode:${TMODE},name:${SESSION}] \
|| exit 1	
# start all enabled tests	
echo "\n Start all enabled tests"	

${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd start || exit 1	
# check session	
echo "\n Listing loaded and running session"	

${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd get_session_name || exit 1	
# give 15 sec to system to start testing components	
echo "\n Please wait 15 sec for tests to start on all selected components ....."	
sleep 15	
# check test status	
echo "\n Check test status ..."	

${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd get_status || exit 1	
# check that tests are running	
echo "\n Tests are running ...."	

${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd list_tests || exit 1	

echo; echo "\n Please check results in ${DAY} days!"	
echo; echo "\n Use the command ${VTSPATH}/vts_cmd list_tests"	
exit 0	
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