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SVM Maintenance
Attaching/Detaching submirror
As you saw in the docs (about creating SVM RAID1), there is command metattach that works like:
# metattach d4 d24 (attach submirror to mirror)
# metattach d40 c1t1d0s5 (attach slice to stripe)
Whit metattach, resync of new submirror starts automatically.
Sometimes you need to do opposite, to de-attach submirror.
# metadetach d4 d24
This breaks mirror permanently.
Placing submirror offline/online
This is now different story, since placing submirror offline does not breaks mirror design.
With metaoffline, SVM stops reading/writing to submirror that have been taken offline.
During this time all writes are kept track of. Once submirror is back online, data will be resynchronized.
# metaoffline d4 d24
d4: submirror d24 is offlined
But offline submirror can still be mounted as read-only (like here mount to /.1).
This can be used if you want to backup data from submirror (/.1), but note that now you don't have redundancy on d4.
/dev/md/dsk/d4 2055643 2195 1991779 1% /.0
/dev/md/dsk/d24 2055643 2195 1991779 1% /.1 (read-only)
Offline submirror is back online with command metaonline and with machine reboot.
# metaonline d4 d24
d4: submirror d24 is onlined
Replacing components of submirror or metadevice of RAID5
Two states will require component replacement: Last Erred and Maintenance. Always replace maintenance state component first.
Let's try example - check your mirror
# metastat d4
d4: Mirror
Submirror 0: d14
State: Okay
Submirror 1: d24
State: Okay
Pass: 1
Read option: roundrobin (default)
Write option: parallel (default)
Size: 4195944 blocks (2.0 GB)
d14: Submirror of d4
State: Okay
Size: 4195944 blocks (2.0 GB)
Stripe 0:
Device Start Block Dbase State Reloc Hot Spare
c1t0d0s4 0 No Okay No
d24: Submirror of d4
State: Okay
Size: 4195944 blocks (2.0 GB)
Stripe 0:
Device Start Block Dbase State Reloc Hot Spare
c1t1d0s4 0 No Okay No
Device Relocation Information:
Device Reloc Device ID
c1t0d0 No -
c1t1d0 No -
Say we want to replace slice in submirror d24.
# metareplace d4 c1t1d0s4 c1t1d0s5
d4: device c1t1d0s4 is replaced with c1t1d0s5
See what we have now, there is resync in progress
# metastat d4
d4: Mirror
Submirror 0: d14
State: Okay
Submirror 1: d24
State: Resyncing
Resync in progress: 3 % done
Pass: 1
Read option: roundrobin (default)
Write option: parallel (default)
Size: 4195944 blocks (2.0 GB)
d14: Submirror of d4
State: Okay
Size: 4195944 blocks (2.0 GB)
Stripe 0:
Device Start Block Dbase State Reloc Hot Spare
c1t0d0s4 0 No Okay No
d24: Submirror of d4
State: Resyncing
Size: 4195944 blocks (2.0 GB)
Stripe 0:
Device Start Block Dbase State Reloc Hot Spare
c1t1d0s5 0 No Resyncing No
Device Relocation Information:
Device Reloc Device ID
c1t0d0 No -
c1t1d0 No -
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