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ZFS snapshot, clone, volume

ZFS Snapshot

ZFS snapshot is read-only copy of the file system. 

When taken, it consumes no additional disk space, but when data changes, snapshot is growing since references to old data (unique to snapshot), so space cannot be freed. 

Let's take snapshot of FS mypool/home/user1. Snapshot name is Monday. So you can see what's command's syntax. 
# zfs snapshot mypool/home/user1@Monday

# zfs list
NAME                       USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
mypool                    1.49G   527M   528M  /mypool
mypool/home                993M   527M    20K  /mypool/home
mypool/home/user1          993M   527M   993M  /mypool/home/user1
mypool/home/user1@Monday      0      -   993M  -   (consumes no additional data within zpool)
You even cannot destroy FS if it has any snapshot.
# zfs destroy mypool/home/user1
cannot destroy 'mypool/home/user1': filesystem has children
use '-r' to destroy the following datasets:
Let's change some data and see now that used data of snapshot is growing.
# zfs list
NAME                       USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
mypool                    1.49G   527M   528M  /mypool
mypool/home                993M   527M    20K  /mypool/home
mypool/home/user1          993M   527M   993M  /mypool/home/user1
mypool/home/user1@Monday    28K      -   993M  -
Snapshot(s) is stored in hidden directory named .zfs/snapshot/, located in the root of FS. So you can go there and restore files if needed, remember it is read-only copy of FS.
# /mypool/home/user1/.zfs/snapshot> ls
total 3
dr-xr-xr-x   2 root     root           2 Nov 16 13:23 .
dr-xr-xr-x   3 root     root           3 Nov 16 13:23 ..
drwxr-xr-x   3 root     root           6 Nov 16 17:09 Monday
Beside restoring individual files from snapshot, you can roll back whole FS to previously taken snapshot.
# zfs list -t snapshot
NAME                       USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
mypool/home/user1@Monday   993M      -   993M  -

# zfs rollback mypool/home/user1@Monday
And all changes since snapshot Monday has been taken up to now are deleted and FS is same as it was on that Monday.

ZFS Clone

Clones can be only created from snapshot and they are actually new FS with initial content as original FS, so they are writable. 
# zfs list
NAME                       USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
mypool                    1.49G   527M   528M  /mypool
mypool/home                993M   527M    20K  /mypool/home
mypool/home/user1          993M   527M   993M  /mypool/home/user1
mypool/home/user1@Monday      0      -   993M  -

# zfs clone mypool/home/user1@Monday mypool/home/user2

# zfs list
NAME                       USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
mypool                    1.49G   527M   528M  /mypool
mypool/home                993M   527M    20K  /mypool/home
mypool/home/user1          993M   527M   993M  /mypool/home/user1
mypool/home/user1@Monday      0      -   993M  -
mypool/home/user2             0   527M   993M  /mypool/home/user2
Once clone is created from snapshot, the snapshot can not be deleted until clone exists.
# zfs get origin mypool/home/user2
NAME               PROPERTY  VALUE                      SOURCE
mypool/home/user2  origin    mypool/home/user1@Monday  -

# zfs destroy mypool/home/user1@Monday
cannot destroy 'mypool/home/user1@Monday': snapshot has dependent clones
use '-R' to destroy the following datasets:
Below command can be used to save snapshot as stream. The file /tmp/Tuesday is ZFS snapshot stream of FS mypool/home/user1. # zfs send mypool/home/user1@Tuesday > /tmp/Tuesday Now I can use this snapshot stream to create new FS. # zfs receive mypool/home/user-3 < /tmp/Tuesday

ZFS Volume

ZFS Volume represents block device. 
# zfs create -V 2g mypool/volume-1

# zfs list
NAME                        USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
mypool                     4.46G  12.2G   528M  /mypool
mypool/home                1.94G  12.2G    23K  /mypool/home
mypool/home/user1           993M  2.03G   993M  /mypool/home/user1
mypool/home/user3           993M  12.2G   993M  /mypool/home/user3
mypool/home/user3@Tuesday      0      -   993M  -
mypool/volume-1               2G  14.2G    16K  -

# zfs get all mypool/volume-1
NAME             PROPERTY         VALUE                  SOURCE
mypool/volume-1  type             volume                 -
mypool/volume-1  creation         Mon Nov 16 18:38 2009  -
mypool/volume-1  used             2G                     -
mypool/volume-1  available        14.2G                  -
mypool/volume-1  referenced       16K                    -
mypool/volume-1  compressratio    1.00x                  -
mypool/volume-1  reservation      none                   default
mypool/volume-1  volsize          2G                     -
mypool/volume-1  volblocksize     8K                     -
mypool/volume-1  checksum         on                     default
mypool/volume-1  compression      on                     inherited from mypool
mypool/volume-1  readonly         off                    inherited from mypool
mypool/volume-1  shareiscsi       off                    default
mypool/volume-1  copies           1                      default
mypool/volume-1  refreservation   2G                     local

ZFS data integrity

The tool fsck is not needed any more. ZFS is transactional FS so forget about inconsistency. 

Tool fsck also validates data integrity. 
For this task, ZFS is using scrubbing (no need for un-mounting FS like fsck requires).  

You may want to run follow command using cronjob once per day. 
# zpool scrub mypool

# zpool status
  pool: mypool
 state: ONLINE
 scrub: scrub in progress for 0h0m, 6.80% done, 0h2m to go

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        mypool      ONLINE       0     0     0
          c1t1d0    ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors
To stop srubbing:
# zpool scrub -s mypool

# zpool status
  pool: mypool
 state: ONLINE
 scrub: scrub stopped after 0h0m with 0 errors on Mon Nov 16 18:52:24 2009

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        mypool      ONLINE       0     0     0
          c1t1d0    ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

Moving zpool between 2 machines.

Say you have 2 disks in Sun Fire V120, and zpool is consisting of one disk. 
So you want to move it from the system and install in another V120.   

The storage must be explicitly exported so the first system knows it's ready for migration. 
Also this will flush all data to the disk and system will lose any knowledge about exported pool. 

After exporting zpool, take disk out and import in another system. 
first_v120# zpool list
cs2-pool  16.9G    94K  16.9G     0%  ONLINE  -

first_v120# zfs list
cs2-pool  89.5K  16.6G     1K  /cs2-pool

first_v120# zpool export cs2-pool

first_v120# zfs list
no datasets available

first_v120# zpool list
no pools available
Take disk out and install in another V240. Following command shows zpool available for import but DOES NOT import anything.
second_v120# zpool import
  pool: cs2-pool
    id: 8561877967037688236
 state: ONLINE
action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier.

        cs2-pool    ONLINE
          c1t1d0    ONLINE

second_v120# zpool list
no pools available
Now import specific zpool (zpool, zfs and files will be imported).
second_v120# zpool import cs2-pool

second_v120# zpool list
cs2-pool  16.9G   161K  16.9G     0%  ONLINE  -

second_v120# zfs list
cs2-pool   152K  16.6G    64K  /cs2-pool
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